Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Said It...

HOPE follows Injustice, Justice may not follow HOPE
-Rishi Pampati


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), introduced an amendment to the $900 billion stimulus package that would bar companies that received bailout funds from hiring foreign skilled workers with H1-B work visas, AFP is reporting. The amendment was co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont).

Read full article here

You might have heard about it, read about it, thought about it and got frustrated if you were on a H1B … well I did and there was a short conversation between 'Inquisitive me' and 'Reasonable me'

Inquisitive me: Where does the government get such amounts of money, $900 billion?
Reasonable me: it gets money by taxing people.

Inquisitive me: So the $900 billion which the government wants to induce in to the market is the Tax payer’s money… wait a minute that means it’s my money too.

Reasonable me: Of course

Inquisitive me: Oh so now they want to take my money to put into a company I may want to work with... sounds good, the company may do well to start hiring and I can apply too....

Reasonable me: oh ho ho NOOOOOO! I am a H1B worker and they don't want to allow me

Inquisitive me: Don’t allow me… Don’t allow me to work for a company, whose survival fund includes my contribution?

Reasonable me: Doesn't that sound like some peace of disturbing proposal.

Inquisitive me: When they don't filter the customers of the company and they don't filter the tax payer’s money why do they want to filter the employees????

Reasonable me: I don’t see any reasonable answer…


When India was struck by drought the Union Carbide(UC) Bhopal plant which was a subsidiary of Union Carbide in USA was in loss and UC USA decided to shut down its plant in India and sell off or move its assets out to other plants. In the process it started cutting down their expenditure by compromising with the security measures too. The trained staff was laid off and new recruits without proper training were left in charge. The compromise was to an extent that the electricity was shut down to the temperature control unit which would maintain the highly unstable and poisonous MIC at 0 to 5 degrees, for saving 50 dollars per day. The leakages were left unrepaired and other safety equipment including to burn off gas in case of gas escape were not functioning because of the corporate negligence.

You know what happend the night the gas escaped, A family of four struggling to compete with the rest of the world, parents working as hard as they can for their two children to have a bright future was effected leaving the the elder sibbling to face the world alone with no more education and financial security. A women lost 8 members of her family leaving her two kids to take care of, not just the livelyhood but also the medical expenditure. Most of the families passesd on all togather...
but there is something else you may not know.

After this disaster the uninon carbide has abandoned its bhopal plant with out even cleaning up the plant, leaving many more harmful chemicals for god to take care. These chemicals and other industrial waists dumped by UC around the plant have contaminated the ground and ground water. 25 years after this incident the people who were not even related to bhopal the day the gas escaped are suffering from birth disorders, upper and lower respiratory deseases...

The people of Bhopal have filed law suits against UC in different states in USA and the numbers were so high that the Indian Government stepped in and represented them all, later this case was transfered to India and the law suit which summed up to $2.5 Billion was settled outside the court for $470 million which is just a fraction of what people wanted. Most of these people are still to get anything from the Government because they dont have proper DOCUMENTATION yes the DEATH CERTIFICATES of their family members who were the unfortunate or may be relatively fortunate.

Well UC does not exist any more and what has DOW to do with it?

Well DOW bought UC so it has to own all the assets along with te liabilities. It still has to clean up the mess left by UC 25 years back. Don't you think that is a fair statement?

Just because this happened in India and not in USA the former UC top executives are enjoying their retirement in luxory long island suits at the cost of generations of bhopalis few dead, few suffering with deseases of which few dont even know why they are suffering. Generations past but the night mare remains. The agriculture is effected, the vegetables and crops are effected, the newborns come in to the world with genetic disorders....

The air was poluted the night it happened but now its the water, ground and ultimately the LIFE LEFT DISTURBED